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Consorcio Patronato del Festival de Mérida

In accordance with its Statutes of May 21, 2019, (DOE No. 123, of June 27, 2019, correction of errors in DOE No. 130, of July 8, 2019), in its article 1. Constitution. “The Consortium called “Board of the International Classical Theater Festival at the Roman Theater of Mérida”, is constituted as a public law entity created for the management of the aforementioned International Theater Festival, said consortium being integrated by the Government of Extremadura. Mérida City Council, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, the Excellencies of the Provincial Councils of Cáceres and Badajoz. The Consortium of the Board of Trustees of the International Classical Theater Festival at the Roman Theater of Mérida will be attached to the Government of Extremadura.”

The corporate website and the Consortium Contractor Profile are hosted at

The consortium entities participate in the Consortium bodies (Governing Council and Executive Commission) in the representation established by the Statutes.

Consorcio Patronato Del Festival De Merida