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Archivo > Edición 69 (2023) > Cáparra >La tumba de Antigona

August 11, 2023

La tumba de Antigona

By María Zambrano

“Antigone, in truth, did not commit suicide at her grave, according to Sophocles, making an inevitable mistake, he tells us.” With these words, María Zambrano begins her work La tumba de Antígona (1967), a theatrical piece that combines philosophy and literature. In those initial words Zambranian feeling unfolds in all its splendor: hope, time, delirium, love.

Hope as the last sustenance of life that allows to germinate in knowledge; time for consciousness to awaken; delirium to find links with reality when reality prevents existence from being rooted in it; love as dream and sacrifice and promise.

These ingredients radically question the canon, since Antigone not only does not take her own life, but finds spaces of time in his delirium with which to be reborn. Are we not eager to be born at all? To find reasons from the heart for the unreason of tyrants? Have we not each of us buried alive an Antigone?

Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes.

Recommended age: over 18 years old.

Special Notices: Partial Nudity.