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Archivo > Edición 70 (2024) > Teatro María Luisa >King Oedipus

August 3rd, 2024. 8:00pm

King Oedipus

Adaptacion by Jaume Policarpo


The story of Oedipus and Jocasta is a universal story that seduces and moves us because we identify with its fragility, daring and ignorance. It makes us reflect on the essential questions for which we still do not have answers: are we masters of our destiny? Who or what intervenes in our lives? Are the events that happen to us caused by our actions, by chance or by divine whim? Oedipus and Jocasta are a mirror in which to look at ourselves: defenseless beings, unconscious of the consequences of their actions, convinced of possessing the true gaze.

We start from an ancestral, rural society, with a simple social structure, he and she govern, a people with their own voice, shepherds, messengers, fortune tellers. Music takes us to that telluric world of voices, percussion, melodies that emerge from the earth, from the roots. The stage is an agora with tiers presided over by the main entrance, which leads to the core of power, the family, the mystery.

Six actors on stage and a live musician are responsible for giving new life to this timeless work.

Recommended age: from 14 years.
Duration: 1 hour and 20 minutes.

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