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From August 21st to 25th.10:45 pm


By Silvia Zarco


My daughter comes wearing her wedding dress and I’m going to kill her…

Iphigenia is the first violent death of a woman in Western literature. Agamemnon, her father and head of the Greek army, sentences and nails like a flag the root of violence against girls and women at the origin of our civilization. Following the trail of Iphigenia’s blood we reach the sacrifice of Polyxena, a Trojan princess, and the discovery burns rage in our throats: The Trojan War ended as it began, flooding the sea with virgin blood…

Ifigenia drew a map from kilometer zero of violence against women to the return home of the victorious perpetrator army. A newly created work, woven from three classic tragedies, through which the epic of the Greek victory in the Trojan War passes: Iphigenia in Aúlis, Hecuba and Agamemnon. A work about the very high cost that women had to pay for men to achieve glory.

Hecuba and Clytemnestra, queens of victors and vanquished, mothers of the murdered, harbor in their wombs a savage wound that opens. Rage mutates into slow fury. Here is the transformation of mothers into beasts… The steel gate of revenge opens… The silence is torn by the voracious instinct of a tormented beast and a thunderous scream thirsty for murderous blood. This is the story of the forgotten ones and their condemned mothers. It is a rose of blood between bloody hands.

Iphigenia is a crack of light in the dark cave into which women’s pain and guilt have been thrown. A beam of light to illuminate everything, so that their names are not erased from history. Because silence is not innocent.

Her tormented screams stabbed into my belly like sharp glass. And I was no longer afraid of burning.

The Light is Ours.

Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
May contain detailed cruel scenes.
Duration: approximately 90 minutes.

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