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Archivo > Edición 70 (2024) > Madrid


From April 30th to May 19th, 2024

The Merida Festival in Madrid

The Mérida International Classical Theater Festival presents the sixth edition of its extension in Madrid, with a selection of works that can be enjoyed at the Teatro Bellas Artes in Madrid between April 30th and May 19th.

Between April 30th and May 5th, the public will have an appointment with Salomé, by Magüi Mira, starring Belén Rueda, Luisa Martín, Juan Fernández, Pablo Puyol and Sergio Mur, among others. Taking over will be Oedipus, an adaptation of Alfonso Plou’s classic directed and starring Carlos Martín, which can be seen between May 8th and 12th at the same Madrid theater. The Mérida edition in Madrid will close with The Gift of Zeus, a choral comedy written by Concha Rodríguez with Emma Ozores and Juan Meseguer, among others, and which will be performed between May 15th and 19th.

The commitment of the Festival to bring part of its content to Madrid has been firm for several years, bringing and showing in this way a small sample of the Festival to the public of the capital that has not been able to come to Mérida to enjoy the big theater classics.